Managing Covid -19 Pandemic

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All the domains of life have been deeply affected by the ongoing vicious Covid-19 Many parents lost their jobs and means of livelihoods. Like every organization this crisis was a test for us.

We have taken following steps

Children are provided links and information about various government relief schemes.

Keeping in mind the woes and difficulties being faced by them during Lockdown period, several of our loving patrons distributed Dry Ration and Sanitization Kit to all the families of our students and the neighborhood residents

We are also helping children in getting pre-cooked food packets being provided by various organizations and individuals.

In the month of July, 2020 and August 2021 when the children were to start the new academic session. Some young, dynamic and sensitive professionals put together their contributions and provided educational material worth Rs 1000 each to all our children.

Free Medical Consultation from Dr. Yogesh Jalote and medicines were also arranged by Shri Ajay Anand.

Our biggest challenge was to provide online education to our children. Only 70% of students had smartphones with internet connection. Our teachers kept on teaching the students via smartphone. It is a daunting task. But we are managing it.

Despite all the odds some of our students displayed excellence in Online Studies 32 brilliant children have been awarded a cash amount of Rs. 1000 each.

‘Education First’ Campaign: During the Covid- 19 Crisis these children have been hit hard. Many dropped out of the schools and some were forced to work as Domestic Workers, work in shops or turn into vendors to augment the income of their families. Girls were even forced to marry to save money going into their education. Under our ‘Education First’ campaign we are trying to bring them back to mainstream schooling. We conduct physiological counseling, Community sessions, provide love, care and individual attention and Educational material so that they go back to school with dignity.

Our Volunteers are persuading and helping people to get vaccinated.

As a result of her untiring personal efforts these children and their families were able to bounce back into normalcy.

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